Monday, November 16, 2009

A Sister’s Domestic Position

Before we begin, I’d like to praise Empress for her superb way of dealing with drunken, sexist males. You are an inspiration for all Sisters.

Today’s post focuses on a touchy issue; traditional and modern expectations for women. Apologies are given for the lateness of this post but exams have slowed our preaching pace.

Nevertheless, may you find this valuable.

The age-old tradition of a Sister’s place in the home is a primitive and closed-minded concept; but of course, you are aware of this. However, to put it in a nutshell, the traditional role for women was to attend to the every whim of their husband, bear the children, singlehandedly raise the children, engage in menial house tidying, prepare delicious meals every day and tend to a lot of the occupational issues too, like physical labour, finances and general maintenance.

Obviously, there is some common sense to this. Men cannot have babies. Men are also too brutish* to raise children and they only have a say in the upbringing when they wish to marry off a daughter or corrupt a son with their age-old oppressive tendencies. Most Sisters also do not wish to engage in heavy physical labour outside. We know our beauty is often more profound when we are clean and groomed. It also must be noted that generally, men are physically stronger than women so sometimes it is just easier to let them handle jobs like opening jars.

As for the domestic labour, well, someone has to do it; that is true enough. And some Sisters enjoy domestic labour, just as much as some women like participating in traditionally male activities. There is no problem with this and we must respect individuality. However, domestic chores must be at the very least shared if neither the man nor the woman have an affinity for it. The problem with the arrangement is that women do not receive suitable acknowledgement for housework. If a Sister decides to keep house and look after children then that is her choice and definitely nothing to be scorned. Housework is a full time job and equally as challenging as a career. Nevertheless, men still seem to think that Sisters who raise children for a living are having a great old time in a house to themselves and forget the work involved. Because of this attitude, men pile more and more work on women in an attempt to ‘get even’.

Furthermore, Sisters with a career are still expected to do most of the housework and look after the children. When the Sisters before us won us the right to pursue our dreams in the workforce, the pre-existing stereotype of women in the home was not adjusted accordingly. Nowadays, Sisters are merely expected to balance both roles and more as we know that men are pretty much useless and we have to do everything for them.

Unfortunately, many of our Sisters in primitive cultures are not even allowed the luxury of a career. We must remember that even though we are suffering because of the stupidity of men, our Sisters in less progressed nations have a worse time and in all seriousness, their welfare should come first for us. The liberation of those Sisters is a lifelong goal for all of womankind. Think, their situation not only puts them at the mercy of primitive men and forces them to do all the housework and child rearing, but they are also expected to perform the most back-breaking labour in the workforce. And yet, they reap next to none of the benefits, as their husbands handle all the profits. Fellow Sisters, these worthy women are denied even a basic education!

So in our advanced feminist culture, the easiest way I see for use to be truly liberated from the oppression of men is for us to break away and survive on our own. Of course, the work is hard when you manage on your own, but you will always have the support of your Sisters. Another plus to being self-sufficient is that everything is guaranteed to be done properly. Independence is the way to reaping the full rewards of your work, including full acknowledgement for your achievements.

If you are in a position where you must work for or with men, then make sure you monitor their actions to make sure they are doing their job correctly. Remember to compromise so that the work is balanced equally. If you are a truly accomplished Sister, I recommend that you try and manipulate the men into doing more of the work. It should not be too difficult, as they are stupid anyway. Just remember that men never do it right anyway and you’ll probably end up having to finish the job properly.

May you find cupcakes hidden in your garden.


* I would like to point out that when entered on WordWeb, the example for the word ‘brutish’ is: "a dull and brutish man". Looks like we have another ally, Sisters!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Love Trees Not Men

Greetings from your Empress,

I trust that you enjoyed Priestess's most recent post - I personally found its contents extremely liberating.

Due to recent and upcoming events, recent events involving climbing trees to hold our Feminist High Tea, and upcoming events involving examinations, my next post on the topic of The Lies of Men may be not as prompt as I know you're wishing it to be.

Fear not, Sisters. Due to a recent encounter with a male texter I had to employ some bows and arrows. If I may say so myself, they were some pretty amazing ammunition. For your future benefit I will give you some of my bows and arrows that I used in this very easily whipped war.

Be not afraid to royally shut them down.

"I am not impressed with men who stalk like Edward Cullen."
"Now if you'll excuse me, texting you is costing me money."
"I don't believe that your name is **** because it's the most commonly used alias of pedophiles as listed by Crimestoppers 2009"
"You're not a pedophile... but I am."
"Quite frankly, I just want you to go away from me."
"Simply put, I am not the sort of girl who is won over my stalker texters."
"Didn't I tell you that I don't like guys?"

May you find cupcakes hidden in your garden,


Friday, November 6, 2009

Priestess’ Guide to Situations of Legal Binding

Greetings Sisters,

I’d just like to take this opportunity to point out to my dear Empress that as amazing as Atticus Finch is, he is in fact a fictional character created by a woman.

This is to be the first time I am to address you without Empress by my side. May you be enlightened.

Many women believe that I cannot support marriage because of my misandry. However, this is not true. I can see the appeal in such arrangements. As Sisters, we like ample opportunities to pamper ourselves and to be acknowledged as the exquisite creatures we are. Enticing men into legally supporting us for the rest of our lives is one way to achieve this lifestyle.

Now, I believe that most Sisters are capable of getting to a materially stable situation by themselves. Consider that the battle to make it to such a high peak of success can be mentally and emotionally fulfilling just as much as it is physically rewarding. Nevertheless, I am able to take note of the tempting situation of acquiring a Host. It is, sometimes, a long-term arrangement and a long-term contract of supporting and in rare or extremely well manipulated cases, a constant source of attention. When choosing such a Host, a Sister must remember that they will often be ‘expected’ to fall into ancient traditional occupations of oppression and menial labour. I urge you to reject these positions. Use your feminine charm and wit to convince your Host to hire a cleaner. For the experienced and particular sadistic Sister, see if you can get your Host to do the house chores instead.

Of course, if you are kind of heart and allow your Host to take the easy option then a great deal of excess money is needed. Allow me to present my Criteria for a Worthy Host.


What is the point of a man without material assets? A Pact without money, power or other such valuable commodities is a Pact based on a mound of mockery and FAIL. Without money, your life of indulgence and self-appreciation is, quite frankly, null and void.

Fatal Flaw

Whether it be that the Host is weak-willed, has an aesthetic eye that is tuned into you, is overloaded with testosterone, has an ever-hungry ego – use whatever you can to lure this man into a Legal Pact. Do not enter a Pact if you feel that your skills are not at a high enough level or that your chosen Host is not enough of a dickhead. When in a Pact, it is a nuisance to get out of such an arrangement so make sure you choose well. When the Pact is finalised, you are already entitled to some of his earnings, yet it is never enough to counteract the trouble you face when living under such conditions. You must be confident enough to know how to manipulate your Host into placating you further with offerings of wealth.

Other desirable traits include:

Aesthetic appeal

If you are to associate yourself with a host, they may as well be pleasing to the eye. Also, when it comes to the subject of rewards, it helps if you find your Host at least mildly attractive. Reward will be discussed in further detail later.


It makes it easier to extract tangible objects if your Host is already disposed to handing such things out freely. To find such a trait in a Host, I suggest you start scouring those who were born into a privileged existence.

Sisters, do not assume that this is the only way to get money out of males. My personal favourite is the ‘lover’ or the ‘admirer’. The benefits of having such an infatuated slave is that you can be showered in luxury (often even more plentifully than you would in a Pact situation) and there are few strings attached. Consider: more gifts for less commitment. Of course, the downside to the ‘no strings attached’ rule is that this is a relatively short solution and targets must be changed often. However, it does mean that you can juggle several of these slaves at once. Not that I’m discouraging you from doing so in a Pact agreement. This topic will be elaborated on in the future.

Host or admirer, you need to initiate a reward system in order to extract what you want. You must remember that the reward system is only to be used for your advantage. It is NOT PAYMENT. It is ENCOURAGEMENT. YOU DO NOT OWE MEN ANYTHING. Men are merely there to attend to your whims, yet sometimes they are reluctant to do so. When you enter a relationship, it is pivotal that you give them a taste of the Benefits of being in a Pact with you. Their limited brainpower will then constantly assume that by pleasing you, they will be rewarded with more Benefits. Fortunately, their inept minds will do half the work for you, so if you play your cards right, you will not have to encourage them often.

Unfortunately, because of their inefficient brainpower, sometimes men can be angered beyond your control. When this happens, we commonly refer to it as when the shit hits the fan. Keep in mind that even the best stumble and that is why it is essential for women to maintain their independence. A Pact that is entered without promise of material benefits is equal to a surrender of your own independence and is merely subscribing to a life of servitude. Maintaining your own income in a separate bank account – preferably without your Host’s knowledge – is the best back up you can have in a dangerous situation. Having an income and an occupation, whether a career or a part-time occupation is necessary for recovery. We don’t think that you are in danger, Sisters. We just want you to be careful. Remember, men are like dogs. You can have them configured them to be docile one minute and the next they can turn on you for no reason.

Stimulating employment can also keep your mind sharp which is helpful when manipulating your Host. We hope to bring you a separate post on dealing with males in the workplace in the future.

What I am saying, Sisters, is that although men are not necessary they can be a valuable source of income. All situations can be manipulated for your own purpose when you are an accomplished Sister.

May you find cupcakes hidden in your garden,


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Changing Scene of Feminism

Greetings from your Empress,

I believe it is necessary to seriously discuss the stance that I, personally, take on feminism and misandry. Feminism is more straightforward than the complex issue of misandry - which may seem simple to begin with.

Harken, Sisters.

Feminism is of course the movement of change regarding more rights and legal protection for women. Particularly concerning women in the East and developing countries. However the issue is no less dead in the third wave of feminism in the West than it was during the nineteenth centuries or when our Sisters burned their bras for our rights. It has been a topic present in society prior to the nineteenth century. This is not a new fight. It is not a new voice.

Euripides of Ancient Greece write rousing verse surrounding Medea; the independent woman driven by revenge and spite. We ask the same questions now that she did: why can a man just leave his wife for another woman and not be questioned? Why is it expected that women be treated merely as inferiors or domestic workers? Why are women the frail and incapable? Why are women the damsels in distress?

Quite simply, although much progress has been made, if a woman acts like a man, she is considered to be a slut. Society accepts the polygamy of men. Yet not the polygamy of women. How is there a difference?

In a modern context and from my understanding, if women want to compete with men and be accepted as men, they have to act like men. With this concept I disagree completely. I believe that women, in all our femininity, elegance and differences, ought to be given the same reverence and consideration as a man. I refer particularly to the degrading way in which female sales assistants are treated. Currently, this debate shall not be delved into further, however I do urge you to consider remembering comments you've heard people make about "that stupid girl".

Why are the flaws of the female news reader always commented upon? Why is it the fat woman on television who is persecuted? Why is it the woman's fault when she is raped?

Even in the classic romance novel by Jane Austen, "Pride and Prejudice", we encounter the brilliant statement: what are men to rocks and mountains? Consider the view on marriage portrayed by Miss Austen throughout this novel and also keep in mind her own personal life -- she never married or bore an extensive romantic attachment thus proving she wasn't all talk. I wish that I could go into more depth but there is such a lot that I wish to discuss tonight and such a short time frame...

In short, modern feminism ought to put the femininity back into being a woman. Strong, independent, intelligent, complex, beautiful women ought to have just as much right on Earth as any man. We shouldn't have to act like men or conceal our views.

A huge reverent moment of thought for the Sisters who have gone before us paving the way and leading the feminist movement. We owe our stance in society to you. 

And thus, we come to the topic of misandry. It is primarily the hatred, or contempt, of men or boys. It crops up in Ancient Greek literature, once again, and deals with the contest between sexes. it's quite an extreme concept if one views it completely seriously - I shall go into more detail later.

I'll just publish a small extract from SCUM Manifesto by Valerie Solanas:

As for the issue of whether or not to continue to reproduce males, it doesn't follow that because the male, like disease, has always existed among us that he should continue to exist.
When genetic control is possible — and soon it will be — it goes without saying that we should produce only whole, complete beings, not physical defects of deficiencies, including emotional deficiencies, such as maleness. Just as the deliberate production of blind people would be highly immoral, so would be the deliberate production of emotional cripples.
Valerie Solanas, SCUM Manifesto

I personally feel that misandry can work against the good work of feminism: if we cannot respect men how can they respect us? Yet... through men we had the likes of Hitler and George W. Bush. Men brought us war. Generally I do believe, though, that the anger we feel towards men is valid. We have been wronged. However, I do also believe that it is important to take a mature approach to misandry and lead by example. Because, after all, Atticus Finch certainly was an amazing man. And he would have wanted us to lead by example. 

Sometime soon, I will dedicate a post purely to the memory of Amazing Women.

I had a really, really good soy cocoa tonight - hopefully all the Sisters similarly indulged. 

Treat yourself - it is not Maybelline and you are worth it. 

May you find cupcakes hidden in your garden,


Beheading Penguin Waffles As Men


You are pleasured by the joint posting of Priestess and Empress.

Today, Priestess kindly supplied us with the vital goods - penguin waffles. Empress melted the chocolate bits like she melts and pwns the hearts of men. She then, in true feminazi form, stabbed the chocolate in the eye and whipped it into submission. Priestess molded superb penguin waffles like she burns the possessive values of men.

We held a High Tea in the corner where we discussed how abhorrent and destructive men are. We were stunned as one we thought was our own turned against us - taking advantage of the joys of PENGUIN WAFFLES. Even wielding a fork at said red-headed beast could not deter her chocolate lust as she took advantage of our penguin waffles as men take advantage of women.

As the inspiration for our Misandrist Empress Cult we have pinned "Lady Lazarus" by Sylvia Plath as our Holy Prose. We urge, nay, demand that all prospective Sisters of Enlightenment consult Mother Sylvia's wisdom.

We must forewarn of our Holy Ground's male infiltration to come. Priestess and Empress attend a school solely devoted to the education of bright young women. Our sacred grove stands to be desecrated by members of the male race in an attempt to teach us how to lead. We laugh at the Higher Power's childish and primal belief that women cannot take a leadership without the assistance of men. After all, who birthed these men and raised them up from the dark dungeons of their mentality? Yes. Women. In every family women are leaders. Men would not have the strength to act with bastardly dispositions if the women did not provide the nurture and sustenance.

As the All-Knowing Saying goes: behind every great man is an even greater woman.

We take this to mean that men are stupid and women are sexy and pwn. xD

Moving on.

We will enlighten the Sisters as to our interactions and subsequent damning of the male invading Infidels at a later date.

This is a gift, it comes with a price. The gift of breasts. No, we are not sexist. As women, feminist and misandrist, Priestess and Empress fully support breasts. No we don't; our over-shoulder-boulder-holders do.

In all seriousness. Being a Misandrist Empress Cult Sister involves an acquired femininity. It IS a gift. And it comes with the price of buying yourself a sturdy set of bows and arrows to spear all the men with. Don't worry, Sisters, we are going to equip you.

To be a feminist or a misandrist you do not have to be unattractive. We believe that it is degrading to women that feminism has negative connotations. All we want to do is support our hatred of men... attractively. Not only do we believe that WE ARE BEAUTIFUL but we believe that you are too. And true beauty can flourish by rising up with your Fellow Sisters thus releasing yourself from the pressure of men. After all, who wants their opinion on attractiveness? WE are the Mothers of all aesthetic appeal. Thank you COCO CHANEL.

Heed our words and move throughout your daily wanderings a wiser and more empowered Sister.

May you find cupcakes in your garden,

Priestess and Empress

Tuesday, November 3, 2009



We are Priestess and Empress and we aim to provide women with the bow and arrows with which to deal with the circumstances whereby you may encounter men. We're feminist - so what? Here we're all Sisters.

Our Misandrist Guide to Femininity will be your star to follow. We'll begin this guide very shortly. And because there are two of us we shall specify whether it is a joint or separate post.

First of all we'll give you a bit of an idea about us. In our minds we wear red dresses and carry bows and arrows. We're ready. We dance by the moonlight. There is no occasion that we cannot conquer with wit, beauty and cupcakes.

Ladies, you are always better than the men who pursue you. So just tell them to get out before you put an arrow through each one of their assets.

We'll come to you again shortly.

May you find cupcakes hidden in your garden,

Priestess and Empress